Thursday, June 9, 2016

My health adventure - 002

After having three kids, my body and health has come last on my list... as I'm sure any mother would agree of doing. But, we do need to worry about our health, too. So, after a few years of saying I needed to lose weight and be healthier, I'm finally getting serious about it. I recently turned 30, and I need to do this for my health. Three kids - huge kids, one right under the ten pound mark at birth - really did a number on me. My self-esteem has dropped. I need to fix that. And with the health problems that run in my family, it puts me at a bigger risk of developing those problems. So, May 31st, I started and I will not - cannot - stop.

The Reason
Like I said, I need to become healthier. Yes, it will be nice to look better, but ultimately, I'm doing this to better myself. To become healthier. To be here longer (unless by some unseen accident) for my kids. I want to lower my chances to last longer without health problems. I currently don't have any - unless you count allergy/sinus problems - and I'd like to stay that way longer. Just overweight.

My Goals
I want to be at a healthy weight. No, I don't need to get back to my weight from before having kids. I just want to be at a healthy weight. And I'd like to be able to run with my kids without needing to stop every five seconds huffing and puffing. I'd also like to volunteer to be a coach for my kid during soccer season once and awhile.

Since starting, I've lost 5 pounds already. I've been iffy on whether I should post a before photo right now since, as with most women, I don't feel good about how I look. But, I will post it, and by doing so, I hope it can keep me motivated.

Please ignore my mirror. 
Didn't look that bad in person.

We can do this!
If you're on your own health adventure, let me know! I'd love to have others to chat with when I need some encouraging words or share recipes (which I will be posting some soon!) with. My social links are at the top of the sidebar.

Have a great Thursday!


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