Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall 2012 bucket list

Who doesn't love fall? Cooler weather, changing leaves... cooler weather! I think you can guess my favorite part, haha. Although, it hasn't cooled down here in Texas, yet. I normally don't really make fall "plans", but my good friend - from TheYoungerDiaries.com - make a Fall bucket list, and I have to steal the idea for myself! So here's a list I want to try doing this Fall with the kids.

Last updated: 09/18/12
strike - completed
  • Make a door wreath.
  • Visit a pumpkin patch.
  • Spend a full day and have a picnic at the Houston Zoo.
  • Have a picnic at the Woodlands.
  • Make leaf art.
  • Go for a nature walk.
  • Visit Dewberry Farm.
  • Spend a day "offline" - outside on a blanket and reading.
  • Make caramel apples - in slices.
  • Use apples to "stamp" on cards to mail out.
  • Spend a day in Old Town Spring.
  • Bake an apple pie.
  • Spend a day Downtown.
  • Have a day at the beach (yes, I prefer the beach in cooler weather).

Some not-so-fun things I want to get done this fall:
  • Clean/organize garage.
  • Go through clothes - donate.

I might add more if I think of more.

Sponsor(s) of the month:


  1. Sounds like you have a whole lot of plans there. We don't really have fall here - we call it autumn and it isn't really a very distinct season. Right now it's spring here - funny old world.

    Have a nice week. Cheers

    PS A big thank you for following Carole's Chatter
