Monday, August 13, 2012

Embarrassing moment (I Did That :: 001) - and cookies!

Ever have one of those moments you want to hide in shame?
I did today.
I had to get milk and a few other things, so I took Little Man with me. We did our shopping, acted goofy, and laughed. We get to check-out, and he says he lets me know he needs to go potty. I looked at him, "Ok, we're almost done here, then we'll go to the bathroom, ok?" He agrees and waits. We finish up, and I rush over to the bathrooms with him so he won't end up peeing in his pants. I park the cart right by the bathroom and go inside. As soon I we walk into, I notice something doesn't feel right. I look up and right there is a grown man standing, using the bathroom. I pull Little Man back and say, "I think we're in the wrong one..." As we're walking out, I look at the sign - which I could have sworn said WOMEN - that says MEN. I say, "Crap! We did go in the wrong one! Oh my gosh!" As I say that, I'm turning my focus back to in front of me, when I suddenly jump because of a huge tall guy standing in front of me, laughing and smiling. Then he says, "And here I thought I was going in the wrong one!" I turned like 10 shades of red, which made him laugh even more! Oh my gosh, I was so embarrassed, I wanted to throw a bag over my head! What a trip.

So to make up a crazy trip to the store, Little Man and I made cookies! No, not homemade. That's one homemade I can not do. I can never made good homemade cookies. Or make the ones where you add the ingredients to it. Only kind I can make decent cookies out of, are the ones already premade - just cut and back. I wish I could make homemade cookies. But I just can't. So anyways... here's pictures of the cookies and Little Man enjoying them.

And to make things even, here's Baby Boy!


  1. Oh my goodness! I would die! Thanks for the laugh though!!

    I'm your newest follower from the Monday Mingle :)

    1. I wanted to die, haha. I don't know how I managed to walk out of there without covering my head.

      Following you back as well! :D

  2. Too funny!! Once I went in the Walmart men's bathroom (I swore it said women too) and somehow even passed the urinals without noticing, went into the stall, and then noticed the urinals on the way out. I was so confused as to how I had missed both the sign AND the urinals. Luckily, not a SOUL saw me!! So glad you linked up, friend! Those cookies look delicious!

    1. Well, at least no one saw you! I probably scarred the poor guy who was standing there peeing when we walked in, LOL! I might be scarred more than him, though. And thankfully, my son is young enough so he won't remember, haha.

  3. LOL, that is too funny but sooooo embarrassing!

    Are you driving now?

    1. I thought others would get a good laugh, haha.

      Yes. I sent you an iMessage. :)
